O&M’s Labour Hire Services
Expand Your Resources With Skilled Labour
For projects where you need a larger skilled team or to widen your skill set for a project, we have a qualified, experienced and reliable labour force who can be contracted short or long term.
Our team includes:
- Wet/Dry Mobile Plant
- Civil/Earthworks
- Electrical maintenance, projects and shutdowns
- Instrumentation and Controls
- High Voltage
- Scaffolding and Rigging
- Mobile Plant Operators
- Shut Downs
- Planners and Schedulers
- Project Management
- Engineering
- Unskilled Resources
- HSE Managers and advisors
We work with clients in Gippsland and throughout Australia.
Other services that O&M provide are Electrical, Scaffolding, Earthworks, Engineering, Infrastructure, Project Management and Facilities Maintenance.