Safety, Quality & Environment
Delivering Safety in a Sustainable Way
We recognize that we are continually faced with opportunities to manage and minimize risks to people, plant and the environment, whether ours or otherwise. We know that our success is largely measured by how well we see those opportunities, and adjust our actions to suit.
We protect our employees and anyone working with us or affected by our activities. Through these actions we protect and improve our business.
OH&S Performance
O&M Pty Ltd is committed to safety being the first and most important consideration in everything we do. Through our Integrated Management System (IMS) we provide the framework for the way in which we do work and support our vision of ‘Zero Harm’. Our documents are updated in line with the principles of continuous improvement; ensuring current practices adhere to our management framework, and that best practice is maintained.
Employees undertake training and inductions and must comply with all relevant policies, procedures and regulations. We do not undertake any task unless it can be done safely!
Our safety management system and associated plans are easily adaptable to suit site and customer specific conditions and are made available for approval by the customer representative prior to implementation on site.
Environmental Awareness
O&M’s environmental management systems and processes are aligned with the principles of ISO 14001: 2015 and they support our commitment to providing our range of services to our customers such that environmental impacts are minimized and avoided.
We recognize the critical importance of environmental awareness and compliance to regulatory standards as well as our individual customer’s standards.
This commitment and our approach has been applied in a number of environmentally significant projects that we have worked on with customers including but not limited to;
- operating and maintaining a saline waste water outfall system
- development of proposals for waste to energy plants and large solar panel installations.
We are accredited to the following;
ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems
ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management Systems
ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems